2022 ACCOBAMS Call for proposals

The ACCOBAMS Secretariat is pleased to announce the launching of a new call for proposals on projects to be funded under the ACCOBAMS Supplementary Conservation Fund (SCF). The available budget may accommodate up to 4 projects thanks to voluntary contributions received from Italy and Monaco.


Priority subjects:
In view of supporting the implementation of the 2020-2022 ACCOBAMS Program of Work, priorities have been defined so to select projects addressing one (or more) of the subjects pointed out hereafter, including capacity-building activities in support of project implementation, if necessary:

– Support marine litter monitoring activities during necropsies following ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS Best Practices on cetacean post mortem investigation and tissue sampling, including establishment/reinforcement of national stranding networks, where needed;

– Improve knowledge on cetacean abundance and/or distribution in areas under-studied, including through – but not limited to – the use of platforms of opportunity;

– Support the assessment and mitigation of interactions with fisheries in areas not yet covered by MAVA funded projects on interactions with fisheries.

Project proposals should demonstrate they contribute to the implementation of existing national action plans on cetaceans, as suitable.


List of eligible countries:
Taking into consideration the procedure for ACCOBAMS calls for proposals on projects to be funded under the SCF, as provided for in Resolution 7.8, will be eligible for funding those projects submitted by Organisations legally based in the following countries: Albania, Algeria, Bulgaria, Egypt, Georgia, Lebanon, Montenegro, Morocco, Romania, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine.


How to apply and deadline:

Please follow the Procedure for the ACCOBAMS Call for proposals on information about the documents to be submitted. Applications should be received at the ACCOBAMS Secretariat not later than 31st May 2022, midnight CET. The submission of applications must include scanned copies of all original documents (dated and signed).


Applications should be sent by email to:

Mrs. Susana SALVADOR
ACCOBAMS Executive Secretary
Jardin de l’UNESCO, Terrasses de Fontvieille
98000 MONACO
Email: secretariat@accobams.net

A decision on selected projects for funding will be taken by ACCOBAMS Bureau in June 2022, following the evaluation of the eligible proposals by the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee.


–          Information Letter
–          Procedure for the ACCOBAMS calls for proposals for projects to be funded under the Supplementary Conservation Fund
–          Doc 1: Project concept form
–          Doc 2: Project presentation form
–          Doc 5: Endorsement form
–          Doc 6: Declaration of non-conflict of interest

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