Terms of Reference – Expert Consultant ASI-II Development support


The ACCOBAMS Secretariat launches a consultancy which objective is to provide expert advice, technical, and administrative support to the ACCOBAMS Secretariat for the development of ASI-II.

Consultancy details and Terms of Reference can be downloaded here.

Application requirements

– Detailed CV – presentation of the consultant’s background and relevant experience as regards the objective of the mission, including a list of projects and publications in relation to the tasks to perform.

– Technical offer – detailed description of the work to be carried out during the mission (maximum 3 pages).

– Financial offer – detailed budget proposal, with the number of working days per task and the daily rate applicable, based on the maximum budget available.


Interested consultants are invited to submit their applications to the ACCOBAMS Secretariat (secretariat@accobams.net) with a copy to the ACCOBAMS Executive Secretary (msalivas@accobams.net). Please ensure that applications are submitted no later than 12 March 2025.

Upcoming ACCOBAMS MMO/PAM certificate Course Structure

2025 Course dates May 4- 10 inclusive (7 days) in Ponta Delgada in the Azores.

A unique opportunity to experience a range of species visually and acoustically while learning how to recognise and record them.
If interested in doing the course please email  Patrick.lyne@dmad.org.tr to express interest and briefly state previous marine mammal experience.

All attendees will be expected to satisfy ACCOBAMS experience requirements of 30 days experience with marine mammals prior to registration for courses and places will be limited. The course is aimed primarily at MMOs (Marine Mammal Observers) who wish to expand their skills to include Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) and QGIS. The ACCOBAMS course is specifically aimed at mitigation in the Mediterranean and Blacks Seas but the principles learned are applicable worldwide.

Certification: Training is based on passing all evaluations and is an ACCOBAMS approved certificate course. All those certified are required to sign an agreement to state they will uphold standards and may have certification removed if found to not carry out works appropriately.