Fourteenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee Concluded

22-26 November 2021
Institutional Scientific Meeting
Oceanographic Museum
! Due to the implemented safety measures in Monaco and France so to cope with the worldwide sanitary situation, participants to the meeting will have to provide the Secretariat a valid “HEALTH PASS” at least 24 hours prior to the beginning of the meeting ! |
For participants outside the European Union, the “health pass” can be requested following the procedure described here: |
Final Report Expand
- Final Report of the SC14 SC14.Doc40_Report-SC14-1.pdf
Working Documents Expand
- Provisional Agenda SC14.Doc01_Provisional-Agenda.pdf
- REV1 - Provisional Annotated Agenda SC14.Doc02Rev1_Provisional-Annotated-Agenda.pdf
- REV1 - Provisional Timetable SC14.Doc03Rev1_Provisional-Timetable.pdf
- Report on the conservation status of cetaceans and relevant activities in West Mediterranean and contiguous Atlantic area SC14.Doc04_Report-on-the-conservation-status-of-cetaceans-and-relevant-activities-in-West-Mediterranean-and-contiguous-Atlantic.pdf
- Report on the conservation status of cetaceans and relevant activities in Central Mediterranean SC14.Doc05_Report-on-the-conservation-status-of-cetaceans-and-relevant-activities-in-Central-Mediterranean.pdf
- Report on the conservation status of cetaceans and relevant activities in Eastern Mediterranean SC14.Doc06_Report-on-the-conservation-status-of-cetaceans-and-relevant-activities-in-Eastern-Mediterranean.pdf
- Report on the conservation status of cetaceans and relevant activities in Black Sea SC14.Doc07_Report-on-the-conservation-status-of-cetaceans-and-relevant-activities-in-BS.pdf
- PROGRESS REPORT OF THE SECRETARIAT SC14.Doc08_Progress-report-on-the-activities-of-the-Secretariat.pdf
- Draft long term monitoring programme for estimating trends in abundance and distribution of cetaceans SC14.Doc09_Long-Term-Monitoring-Program.pdf
- ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative (ASI) - Roadmap Towards the financial sustainability of monitoring in the ACCOBAMS area SC14.Doc10_ASI-Roadmap.pdf
- Monitoring cetacean populations using multi-disciplinary scientific surveys SC14.Doc11_Monitoring-cetacean-populations-using-multi-disciplinary-scientific-surveys.pdf
- Use of ferries as platforms of opportunity for cetacean monitoring in the ACCCOBAMS Area: Strengthening the network SC14.Doc12_FLT.pdf
- Update on the potential use of Unmanned Vehicles for cetacean monitoring in the ACCOBAMS Area SC14.Doc13_Update-on-the-potential-of-use-of-Unmanned-Vehicles-for-monitoring-cetacean-in-the-ACCOBAMS-area.pdf
- Terms of References for an ACCOBAMS workshop to improve data collection on cetacean populations genetic in the ACCOBAMS Area SC14.Doc14_Terms-of-References-for-an-ACCOBAMS-workshop-to-improve-data-collection-on-cetacean-populations-genetic-in-the-ACCOBAMS-Area.pdf
- Progress report regarding fin whale Conservation Management Plan (CMP) in ACCOBAMS Area SC14.Doc15_Progress-Report-CMP-Fin-Whale.pdf
- Progress report regarding Risso dolphin Conservation Management Plan (CMP) in ACCOBAMS Area SC14.Doc16_Progress-Report-CMP-Risso.pdf
- Review of available data on cetacean bycatch in stranding databases from the ACCOBAMS Area SC14.Doc19_Review-of-available-data-on-cetacean-bycatch-in-stranding-databases-from-the-ACCOBAMS-Area.pdf
- Cetacean bycatch in the Black Sea: an update from new research and testing mitigation measures SC14.Doc20_Cetacean-bycatch-Black-Sea.pdf
- Noise Hotspots Report II SC14.Doc21_Noise-Hotspots-Report-II.pdf
- Methodology risk assessment for noise areas SC14.Doc23_Methodology-risk-assessment-for-noise-areas.pdf
- Progress report of the ACCOBAMS Highly Qualified MMOs/PAM Working Group SC14.Doc25_Progress-report-of-the-ACCOBAMS-MMO-WG.pdf
- Addressing mortalities and injuries to cetaceans from ship strikes in the Mediterranean SC14.Doc26_Addressing-mortalities-and-injuries-to-cetaceans-from-ship-strikes-in-the-Mediterranean.pdf
- Report of the Whale Watching Working Group SC14.Doc27_Report-WWWG.pdf
- Identifying whale watching hotspots in the ACCOBAMS Area: A progress report SC14.Doc28_Identifying-WW-Hotspots-in-the-ACCOBAMS-area-a-progress-report.pdf
- Draft Guidelines for the management of cetacean watching activities in the ACCOBAMS Area SC14.Doc29_Draft-Guidelines-for-the-management-of-cetacean-watching-activities-in-the-ACCOBAMS-Area.pdf
- Study on the hotspots of interactions between cetaceans and marine litter in the ACCOBAMS area - Draft report SC14.Doc30_Hotspots-interactions-cetaceans-marine-litter.pdf
- Bibliographic review on the impact of chemical pollution on cetaceans, including the identification of ad hoc research projects aimed at assessing chemical pollution on cetaceans in the ACCOBAMS Area – Draft report SC14.Doc31_Bibliographic-review-impact-chemical-pollution.pdf
- Draft Guidelines on the best practices to assess the impact of chemical pollution on cetaceans / to measure the chemical contamination on cetaceans SC14.Doc32_Guidelines-best-practices-assessment-impact-chemical-pollution.pdf
- Climate Change and cetaceans SC14.Doc33_Climate-change-and-cetaceans.pdf
- Scientific perspective on “potential marine semi-enclosed facilities” in the ACCOBAMS Area SC14.Doc34_Scientific-perspective-on-potential-marine-semi-enclosed-facilities.pdf
- Progress in revising Cetacean Critical Habitats SC14.Doc35_Progress-in-revising-Cetacean-Critical-Habitats.pdf
- Progress report on the implementation of NETCCOBAMS SC14.Doc36_Progress-report-on-the-implementation-of-NETCCOBAMS.pdf
- Review of the current citizen sciences initiatives in the ACCOBAMS Area SC14.Doc37_Review-of-the-current-citizen-sciences-initiatives-in-the-ACCOBAMS-Area.pdf
- Proposal for amending the procedure for the projects submitted for institutional support SC14.Doc38_Proposal-for-amending-the-procedure-for-the-projects-submitted-for-institutional-support.pdf
- Preliminary Work Programme for 2023-2025 SC14.Doc39_Preliminary-work-programme-2023-2025.pdf
Information Documents Expand
- Rev1-Provisional List of Documents SC14.Inf01Rev1_Provisional-list-of-Documents.pdf
- Provisional List of Participants SC14.Inf02_Provisional-List-of-Participants.pdf
- Report of the ASI Technical Workshop SC14.Inf03_Report-of-the-ASI-TECHNICAL-WORKSHOP-.pdf
- ASI special issue in Frontiers for Marine sciences - call for abstracts SC14.Inf04_ASI-special-issue-in-Frontiers-for-Marine-Sciences.pdf
- Activities report regarding CeNoBS project SC14.Inf05_Activities-Report-on-CeNoBS-Project.pdf
- Progress in the assessment/re-assessment of the IUCN status of cetacean species in the ACCOBAMS Area SC14.Inf06_IUCN-Status.pdf
- National Action Plan in Algeria: Actions and Activities factsheets (in French) SC14.Inf07_National-Action-Plan-in-Algeria-Actions-and-Activities-factsheets.pdf
- Updated Mediterranean Action Plan for the Conservation of Cetaceans SC14.Inf08_Draft-updated-action-plan-for-the-conservation-of-cetaceans-in-the-Med.pdf
- First Exchange workshop on dolphin depredation in Mediterranean Fisheries SC14.Inf09_First-Exchange-workshop-on-dolphin-depredation-in-Mediterranean-Fisheries.pdf
- Recommendations from the 1st Meeting of the Joint Bycatch Working Group of ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS SC14.Inf10_JBWG1-Recommendations.pdf
- Work Plan (version: November 2020) for the Joint Noise Working Group of CMS, ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS SC14.Inf11_Work-Plan-for-the-JNWG.pdf
- Quiet Waters for Whales and Dolphins: how to reduce noise-generating activities within the Cetacean Migration Corridor SC14.Inf13_Quiet-Waters-for-Whales-and-Dolphins-how-to-reduce-noise-generating-activities-within-the-Cetacean-Migration-Corridor.pdf
- ACCOBAMS communication strategy SC14.Inf14_ACCOBAMS-Communication-Strategy.pdf
- Relevant publications on marine Citizen sciences SC14.Inf15_Relevant-publications-on-marine-Citizen-sciences.pdf
- Implementation of the “High Quality Whale Watching” Certificate in Italy – Outcomes of the EcoSTRIM project SC14.Inf16_Implementation-of-HQWW-certificate-in-Italy-1.pdf
Reference Documents Expand
- Report of the Seventh Meeting of the Parties to ACCOBAMS MOP7.Doc38_Final-Report-MOP7.pdf
- Report of the Second Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Follow-up Committee Final-report-of-the-Second-Meeting-of-the-ACCOBAMS-Follow-up-Committee.pdf
- Report of the Thirteenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee of ACCOBAMS Final_Report_ACCOBAMS_SC13.pdf
- Annex 6 - Programme of Work for the triennium 2020 - 2022 Annex-6_Res.7.6_Work-Programme-2020-2022.pdf
- Scientific Committee Res.7.7_Scientific-Committee.pdf
- Improving monitoring and assessment of cetacean population abundance and distribution in the ACCOBAMS Area Res.7.10_Cetaceans-Population-and-Distribution-and-ASI.pdf
- Interactions between fisheries and cetaceans Res.7.11_Interaction-between-fisheries-and-cetaceans.pdf
- Ship strikes Res.7.12_Ship-strikes.pdf
- Anthropogenic noise Res.7.13_Anthropogenic-Noise.pdf
- Best practices in monitoring and management of cetacean stranding Res.7.14_-Best-Practices-Strandings.pdf
- Assessing marine litter impacts on cetaceans Res.7.15_Assessing-Marine-Litter-impacts-on-cetaceans.pdf
- Commercial cetacean-watching activities Res.7.16_Commercial-Cetacean-Watching.pdf
- Species Conservation Management Plans ACCOBAMS_MOP6_Res6.21.pdf