
2023 – 2025
Compendium of ACCOBAMS Resolutions in force
according to the new ACCOBAMS Strategy

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Section 1: Effectiveness of the Agreement (EA)
TA1- Concerning the Agreement and its management
1.1 – Improve the level of implementation of and compliance with the ACCOBAMS agreement, its amendments and its resolutions, through the involvement of all relevant stakeholders
1.2Establishment of the Permanent Secretariat for the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area 
1.4Establishing the Sub Regional Co-ordination Unit for the Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area 
1.5Establishment of the Sub Regional Co-ordination Unit for the Black Sea 
3.28Support to the Secretariat 
A/4.1Amendments: Extension of the ACCOBAMS geographical scope 
4.2Approval of the Headquarter Agreement with the Host Country 
4.24ACCOBAMS Strategy (period 2013-2023) 
5.1ACCOBAMS long term strategy 2014-2025 
6.2Amendment to the Headquarters Agreement with the Host Country 
6.4Amendments to the rules of procedures to the Bureau 
6.10Acceptance of the Amendments on the Extension of the ACCOBAMS Geographical Scope 
7.2Functional structure and Personnel of the ACCOBAMS Permanent Secretariat
7.3Recruitment procedure for the Executive Secretary 
7.4ACCOBAMS Strategy 
8.2Work Programme & Budget for the 2023-2025 triennium
8.3Scientific Committee 
8.13National Action Plans 
8.22Date and Venue of the Ninth Session of the Meeting of the Parties 
8.23Tribute to Organisers 
1.2- Assist the other instruments or organisations that tackle more specific issues (such as fisheries, navigation, tourism) or more general ones (such as pollution, climate change) with an impact on the conservation of cetaceans or of their habitats
2.2Strengthening Links with UNEP and CMS 
2.22Relation with IUCN-ACCOBAMS Strategy (period 2013-2023) 
2.30Recognizing the Important Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Cetacean Conservation 
3.8Strengthening Collaboration with the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean 
4.8Contribution from ACCOBAMS to the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 
5.8Rio + 20: perspectives for the ACCOBAMS 
6.11A Strategical Alliance concerning Management and Conservation Measures for the Mediterranean Environment between the Secretariats of ACCOBAMS,
GFCM, UNEP/MAP through SPA/RAC, and IUCN-Med, in Collaboration with MedPAN
6.12Implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and Relevant Ecosystem Approach Processes (EcAP) 
7.9ACCOBAMS Partner 
7.17Global post 2020 biodiversity framework: ACCOBAMS mobilizationAcceptance of the Amendments on the Extension of the ACCOBAMS Geographical Scope 
1.3- Monitor the progress in all the sectors of activities of the Agreement and propose the necessary adjustment
1.8Establishment of a triennial national report format for the Agreement on the conservation of cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic Area 
3.7ACCOBAMS online reporting system 
5.4ACCOBAMS Follow-up Procedure 
6.8Amendments to the Follow-up Procedure 
6.9Format for National Implementation Reports 
8.8Follow-up Procedure 
TA2- Concerning the funding
2.1- Develop, implement and review as needed a funding strategy, for the management of the agreement, for enhancement the communication and awareness, for the improvement of knowledge, for the development of conservation activities and for the upgrade of local, national and regional capacities
1.7Establishment of a Supplementary Conservation Grants Fund 
7.5ACCOBAMS Funding Strategy 
8.4Procedure for projects submitted for institutional support
 8.5Procedure for the ACCOBAMS call for proposals for projects to be funded under the Supplementary Conservation Grants Fund 
TA3- Concerning the enhancement of capacities for conservation of cetaceans
3.1- Develop, implement and monitor a capacity enhancement plan
2.11Facilitation of Scientific Research Campaigns and Programs 
3.9Guidelines for the Establishment of a System of Tissue Banks within the ACCOBAMS Area and the Ethical Code 
4.19Model measures for the conservation of cetaceans 
6.23Capacity Building 
 TA4- Concerning the communication and awareness
4.1- Develop, implement and monitor a common communication, information and awareness plan
1.14Adopting a Logo for the Agreement and Conditions of its Use 
2.23Education Strategy and Programs 
4.21ACCOBAMS Logos: Conditions of Use 
8.6ACCOBAMS Communication Strategy 2023-2028 
Section 2: Conservation Actions (CA)
TA5- Concerning the improvement of knowledge for conservation
5.1- Centralize, organize and disseminate the existing knowledge on cetaceans, their habitat, the pressures and impacts, the national institutions, legislations and capacities
4.18Guidelines on the granting of exceptions to Article II, paragraph 1, for the purpose of non-lethal in situ research in the Agreement area 
6.13Comprehensive Cetacean population estimates and distribution in the ACCOBAMS Area 
8.12IUCN Red List Status of cetacean species in ACCOBAMS Area
5.2- Identify the gaps in knowledge and propose actions or programmes to improve the knowledge on cetaceans
2.28On the Promotion of Photo-Identification Activities 
6.14Population Structure Studies 
8.10ACCOBAMS Long Term Monitoring Programme 
8.11Cetacean Population Genetics 
TA6- Concerning the development of conservation activities and of management measures
6.1- Identify the pressures on cetaceans and propose measures to reduce the impacts on the species or their habitats
6.1.1 Interaction with fisheries
2.12Guidelines for the Use of Acoustic Deterrent Devices 
2.13Pelagic Gillnets 
2.21Assessment and Mitigation of the Adverse Impacts of Interactions between Cetaceans and Fishing Activities in the ACCOBAMS Area 
2.25Prey Depletion 
A/3.1Amendment of the Annex 2 to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area Related to the Use of Driftnets 
4.9Fisheries Interactions with Cetaceans 
8.16Interactions between Fisheries and Cetaceans 
 6.1.2 Anthropogenic Noise
2.16Assessment and Impact Assessment of Man-Made Noise 
3.10Guidelines to Address the Impact of Anthropogenic Noise on Marine Mammals in the ACCOBAMS Area 
5.15Addressing the Impact of Anthropogenic Noise 
6.17Anthropogenic Noise 
6.18Implementation of an ACCOBAMS Certification for Highly Qualified Marine Mammals Observers 
7.13Anthropogenic Noise 
8.17Anthropogenic Noise 
6.1.3 Ship Strikes
7.12Ship Strikes
8.18Ship Strikes  
6.1.4  Cetacean Watching
3.23Commercial Whale-Watching: Towards a Label 
4.7Guidelines for Commercial Cetacean Watching Activities in the ACCOBAMS Area 
6.20Commercial Cetacean Watching Activities in the ACCOBAMS Area 
8.19Commercial cetacean-watching activities in the ACCOBAMS Area
6.1.5 Climate Change
4.14Climate Change 
6.1.6 Captivity and release
3.13Dolphin Interaction Programmes 
3.20Guidelines on the Release of Cetaceans into the Wild 
5.14Live Removals of Bottlenose Dolphins in the Black Sea (Tursiops truncatus) 
6.1.7 Functional Stranding Networks and Responses to Emergency Situations
1.10Cooperation between National Networks of Cetacean Strandings and the Creation of a Database 
2.10Facilitation of Exchange of Tissue Samples 
3.25Cetacean Live Stranding 
4.16Guidelines for a Coordinated Cetacean Stranding Response 
6.22Cetacean Live Strandings 
7.14Best practices in monitoring and management of cetacean stranding 
8.15Cetacean Stranding Networks 
6.1.8 Marine Litter
8.20Marine Litter and Chemical Pollution 
6.2- Identify cetaceans’ critical habitats and based on the existing pressures propose changes in the national legislation (environment, fisheries, maritime transport, etc.) and support the implementation of area-based conservation measures
6.2.1 Species Conservation Plans
1.12Conservation of the Black Sea Tursiops truncatus : Bottlenose Dolphin 
3.11Conservation Plan for Black Sea Cetaceans 
4.13Conservation of the Mediterranean Short-Beaked Common Dolphin 
5.12Work Towards a Conservation Plan for Fin Whales in the Mediterranean Sea 
5.13Conservation of Cuvier’s Beaked Whales in the Mediterranean 
6.21Species Conservation and Management Plans 
8.14Conservation Management Plans 
6.2.2 Protected Areas for Cetaceans
3.22Marine Protected Areas for Cetaceans 
4.15Marine Protected Areas of Importance for Cetacean Conservation 
6.24New Areas of Conservation of Cetacean Habitats 
6.2.3 Citizen Science
8.21Citizen Science