25 years of Cetacean Conservation and more actions to pursue….

In its quest to improve cetacean conservation ACCOBAMS has been striving to find solutions to mitigate threats posed to cetaceans. Its conservation actions made a huge difference over the past 25 years.

ACCOBAMS is committed to take action on the much more that needs to be accomplished.


25 years of Cetacean Conservation and more actions to pursue….

This 24 November 2021 celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the signature of the ACCOBAMS Agreement, established in 1996 under the auspices of the Bonn Convention (CMS).

The success of a mission is determined by the coherence of its objectives, its driving force, continuous work and indispensable resilience. During its existence, ACCOBAMS has been able to gather the resilience required to reformulate its approaches, thanks to a strong joint determination, as well as the unwavering support of the Principality of Monaco, which has hosted the Secretariat since its origin.

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