Announcement: Sixth Conference on Cetacean Conservation in South Mediterranean Countries (CSMC6)

The Sixth edition of the ACCOBAMS Conference on Cetacean Conservation in South Mediterranean Countries (CSMC6) will held from 13 to 15 November 2023 in Monastir, Tunisia.

The Programme of the Sixth edition of the Conference will address the following main topics:
– interactions between cetaceans and human activities, including fisheries and anthropogenic noise
– cetaceans’ stranding
– monitoring of cetacean populations
– habitats protection

A training workshop regarding the implementation of a scientific photography protocol adapted to cetacean strandings for developing telenecropsy will be held on the last day of the Conference.


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Strengthening Capacity for Effective Cetacean Conservation – 25 years of ACCOBAMS support

For 25 years now, ACCOBAMS has continuously implemented capacity-building initiatives to ensure countries around the Mediterranean and Black Seas dispose of the required knowledge and appropriate skills to increase the ability of experts and organizations in implementing conservation, management and/or monitoring activities. Find more about ACCOBAMS assistance through training workshops, technical exchanges, research projects, all tailored to meet country specific needs.

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Depredation by marine mammals in fishing gear – A review of the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and contiguous Atlantic area

Depredation is a source of concern both for cetaceans and the fishing sector. As predators, cetaceans may take the fish caught in fishing nets, often damaging gears  and suffering injury or death due to entanglement.

Find more in the joint publication by ACCOBAMS & General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean: Gonzalvo, J. & Carpentieri, P. 2023. Depredation by marine mammals in fishing gear – A review of the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and contiguous Atlantic area. Studies and reviews (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean), No. 102. Rome, FAO.