20th May 2021 : European Maritime Day – the municipality of Cascais, Portugal, launches the “Alert Dolphins!” awareness campaign

ACCOBAMS participated to the launch of the citizen science campaign “Alert Dolphins!”

This community outreach project aims at:
. Raising awareness on how to act in case of dolphin and other cetacean sightings on the Cascais coast,
. Raising awareness among boat owners on how to approach dolphins in a respectful way, and
. Creating a database of dolphin sightings on the Cascais coast, accessible via the platform created for this purpose on the Cascais Environment website.

More information here

Together for the Med: the platform is online!

ACCOBAMS is part of the network Together for the Med which gathers 46 partners financially supported by the MAVA Foundation , all mobilized around a single objective: to reduce the impact of fishing on marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean sea.

Since 2017, Together for the Med Partners are leading a network of 15 projects in hotspots of the Mediterranean Sea. Thanks to the MAVA Foundation, this network is working on a wide array of projects, from interactions between fishers and cetaceans to local entrepreneurship and sustainable fisheries certification, projects which aim to reduce the impacts and pressures on marine biodiversity. An active member of this partnership, ACCOBAMS is leading the Depredation project and is a main partner of the MedBycatch project

Have a look on the dedicated platform  to discover all the partners and to learn about their project on www.togetherforthemed.org 

5th Conference on Cetacean Conservation in South Mediterranean Countries (CSMC5)

The 5th Conference on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the South Mediterranean Countries (CSMC5), hosted by the National Centre for Marine Sciences of Lebanon (CNRS-L), was held online from 13 to 15 April 2021. This Conference was organised by the ACCOBAMS Secretariat, in collaboration with the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC) and was financially supported by the Principality of Monaco.


More info….