Thirteenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee Concluded

26-28 February 2020
Scientific Meeting
English only
Marriott Hotel
Cap d'Ail
Final Report Expand
- Final Report Final_Report_ACCOBAMS_SC13.pdf
Working Documents Expand
- Provisional Agenda SC13.Doc01_Provisional_Agenda.pdf
- Provisional Annotated Agenda SC13.Doc02_Provisional-Annotated-Agenda.pdf
- Provisional Timetable SC13.Doc03_Provisional_Timetable.pdf
- Terms of Reference of Scientific Committee Task Managers SC13.Doc04_ToR-of-Scientific-Committee-Task-Managers.pdf
- Work programme 2020-2022 with priorities identified by Parties at MOP7 SC13.Doc05_Work-Programme-and-Priorities.pdf
- Report on the conservation status of cetaceans and relevant activities in Western Mediterranean and contiguous Atlantic area SC13.Doc06_Report-W-Med-and-Atlantic.pdf
- Report on the conservation status of cetaceans and relevant activities in Central Mediterranean SC13.Doc07_Report-Central-Med.pdf
- Report on the conservation status of cetaceans and relevant activities in Eastern Mediterranean SC13.Doc08_Report-Eastern-Med.pdf
- Rev1_Report on the conservation status of cetaceans and relevant activities in Black Sea SC13.Doc09.Rev1_Report-Black-Sea.pdf
- Rev1_Assessment of Conservation status of cetaceans in the ACCOBAMS Area SC13.Doc10_Rev1_Assessment-of-Conservation-status-of-cetaceans-in-the-ACCOBAMS-Area.pdf
- Progress report regarding fin whaleConservation Management Plan (CMP) in ACCOBAMS Area SC13.Doc11_Draft-CMP-on-fin-whale-1.pdf
- Progress report regarding Risso dolphinConservation Management Plan (CMP) in ACCOBAMSArea SC13.Doc12_Progress-report-regarding-Risso-dolphinConservation-Management-Plan-CMP-in-ACCOBAMSArea.pdf
- Progress reports regarding other species Conservation Management Plans (CMP) in ACCOBAMS SC13.Doc13_Progress-Report-other-species-CMPs.pdf
- Provisional ToR for a CMP drafting workshops for Bottlenose and common dolphins SC13.Doc14_ToR-for-workshop-on-CMP-bottlenose-and-common-dolphins.pdf
- Report from the ACCOBAMS-ASCOBANS Joint Bycatch Working Group SC13.Doc15_JBWG-Progress-report.pdf
- Progress report of the Joint CMS/ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS Noise Working Group (JNWG) SC13.Doc16_Progress-Report-of-the-JNWG.pdf
- Draft Terms of Reference of the Working Group on Whale Watching SC13.Doc17_Draft-ToR-WWWG.pdf
- Progress in revising Cetacean Critical Habitats SC13.Doc18_Progress-in-revising-CCH.pdf
Information Documents Expand
- List of documents SC13.Inf01_List-of-documents.pdf
- ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative - Progress report February 2020 SC13.Inf03_ASI-progress-report-february-2020.pdf
- ASI - Technical Reports Mediterranean and Black Seas SC13.Inf04_ASI-Technical-Reports.pdf
- Best Practices on cetacean post-mortem investigation and tissue sampling resulted from the harmonization process in ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS SC13.Inf05_Best-practices-on-cetacean-post-mortem-investigation.pdf
- Report of the Joint ACCOBAMS and ASCOBANS Workshop on harmonisation of the best practices for necropsy of cetaceans and for the development of diagnostic frameworks SC13.Inf06_Report-of-the-joint-workshop-on-harmonisation-of-best-practices-for-cetacean-necropsy.pdf
- Pilot studies on cetacean bycatch monitoring and bycatch mitigation measures in the Black Sea SC13.Inf07_Pilot-studies-on-cetacean-bycatch-monitoring-BS.pdf
- Progress report of the MAVA Bycatch project SC13.Inf08_Progress-report-of-the-MAVA-Bycatch-project.pdf
- Progress report of the MAVA Depredation project SC13.Inf09_Progress-report-of-the-MAVA-Depredation-project.pdf
- WWF Guidelines for the safe and humane handling and release of bycaught small cetaceans from fishing gears SC13.Inf10_WWF-Guidelines-handling-and-release.pdf
- Activities report regarding the QUIETMED project SC13.Inf11_Activities-Report-QuietMed.pdf
- Progress report regarding QUIETMED2 project SC13.Inf12_Progress-report-QuietMed-2.pdf
- Progress report on the implementation of an ACCOBAMS certification for Highly Qualified MMOs/PAM SC13.Inf13_Progress-Report-on-implementation-of-an-ACCOBAMS-certification.pdf
- Analyse de la mise en oeuvre de la réglementation relative aux collisions avec les grands cétacés dans le sanctuaire Pelagos (Only in French) SC13.Inf14_Study-REPCET-Pelagos-Sanctuary.pdf
- Pilot actions on marine litter monitoring in Adriatic SC13.Inf15_Pilot-actions-on-marine-litter-monitoring-in-the-Adriatic.pdf
- Taking of cetaceans, dolphinaria and quasi-dolphinaria: a legal analysis relating to ACCOBAMS Parties SC13.Inf16_Taking-of-cetaceans-dolphinaria-and-quasi-dolphinaria-legal-analysis.pdf
- Provisional ToR for the workshop “Toward the identification of important areas for marine species at regional scale”, 2020 IUCN World Conservation Congress SC13.Inf17_Identification-of-important-areas-for-marine-sp-Med-Forum.pdf
- Summaries of the projects selected under the 2018 ACCOBAMS call for proposals SC13.Inf18_Summaries_Projects_SCF.pdf
- Preliminary overview of opportunity platforms and citizens observations SC13.Inf19_Preliminary-overview-of-opportunity-platforms-and-citizens-observations.pdf
- Update on the Follow up Committee SC13.Inf20_Update-on-the-Follow-Up-Committee.pdf
- Overview of CMS COP13 Outcomes Relevant to ACCOBAMS SC13.Inf21_CMS-COP13-outcomes-relevant-accobams.pdf
- Report of IWC/IUCN/ACCOBAMS Workshop on ship strikes and recommendations SC13.Inf23_Report-IWC_IUCN_ACCOBAMS-Workshop-on-ship-strikes.pdf
Reference Documents Expand
- Report of the Seventh Meeting of the Parties to ACCOBAMS MOP7.Doc38_Final-Report-MOP7.pdf
- Report of the Second Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Follow-up Committee ACCOBAMS-FC2.Doc14_Final-report-of-the-Second-Meeting-of-the-ACCOBAMS-Follow-up-Committee.pdf
- Annex 6 - Programme of Work for the triennium 2020 - 2022 Annex6_Work-Programme-2020-2022.pdf
- Scientific Committee Res.7.7_Scientific-Committee.pdf
- Improving monitoring and assessment of cetacean population abundance and distribution in the ACCOBAMS Area Res.7.10_Cetaceans-Population-and-Distribution-and-ASI.pdf
- Interactions between fisheries and cetaceans Res.7.11_Interaction-between-fisheries-and-cetaceans.pdf
- Ship strikes Res.7.12_Ship-strikes.pdf
- Anthropogenic noise Res.7.13_Anthropogenic-Noise.pdf
- Best practices in monitoring and management of cetacean stranding Res.7.14_-Best-Practices-Strandings.pdf
- Assessing marine litter impacts on cetaceans Res.7.15_Assessing-Marine-Litter-impacts-on-cetaceans.pdf
- Commercial cetacean-watching activities Res.7.16_Commercial-Cetacean-Watching.pdf