ACCOBAMS Cetaceans Day
In 2020, for its 6th edition, the ACCOBAMS Cetaceans Day will be celebrated back to back with the World Ocean Day on June 8th 2020 in a digital way and in association with the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco.
For that purpose we are joining the digital activities of the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and the Association “Friends of the Museum”, in order to celebrate the ACCOBAMS Cetacean Day. The Museum proposes a celebration of the World Ocean Day in a virtual way while keeping the festive and engaged tone! Please take a look at the website:
Available material
ACCOBAMS Crossword Puzzle
Our friends the Dolphins Booklet
(© Giovanni Bearzi (1994)): this booklet is an educational colouring booklet for children available in 10 languages!
Arabic, Bulgarian, English, French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovene, Spanish & Turkish
Folder including various images for children to explain the main threats cetaceans are facing
ACCOBAMS Poster & Species names in the 5 official ACCOBAMS languages, Threats and Fact sheet