Guidelines & Best Practices

Guidelines to address the impact of anthropogenic noise on cetaceans in the ACCOBAMS area
Guidelines for technical measures to minimise cetacean-fishery conflicts in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
Monitoring guidelines to assess cetaceans’ distributional range, population abundance and population demographic characteristics
Guidelines concerning best practice and procedure for addressing cetacean mortality events related to chemical, acoustic and biological pollution
Guidelines for a coordinated cetacean stranding response during mortality events caused by infectious agents and harmful algal blooms
Guidelines for the management of cetacean watching activities in the ACCOBAMS area
Guidelines for implementing a Pelagos/ACCOBAMS label for commercial whale watching activities
Guidelines for commercial cetacean-watching in the ACCOBAMS area
Guidelines for the criteria for the selection of Protected Areas
Guidelines for the establishment and management of Marine Protected Areas for cetaceans
Guidelines for the release of captive cetaceans into the wild
Guidelines for the development of national networks of cetacean strandings monitoring
Guidelines for the establishment of tissue banks and ethical code
Guidelines on the granting of exceptions to article ii, paragraph 1, for the purpose of non-lethal in situ research in the Agreement area
Best Practices
ACCOBAMS Best Practices on Population Genetics
Best Practices for cetacean postmortem investigation, tissue sampling and for the development of diagnostic frameworks for specific threat to be investigated during cetaceans’ strandings
Best Practices to assess the impact of chemical pollution on cetaceans / to measure the chemical contamination on cetaceans