2017 ACCOBAMS – ECS Student Award
The ACCOBAMS Permanent Secretariat is pleased to inform you about the 5 students who received the 2017 ACCOBAMS – ECS Student Award at the occasion of a Ceremony held on the 3rd May 2017, in Middelfart, Denmark.
The ACCOBAMS Permanent Secretariat is pleased to inform you about the 5 students who received the 2017 ACCOBAMS – ECS Student Award at the occasion of a Ceremony held on the 3rd May 2017, in Middelfart, Denmark.
The proceedings of the GFCM High-level conference towards enhanced cooperation on Black Sea fisheries and aquaculture: A declaration to boost regional cooperation in the sector, held in Bucharest, Romania, on 24-25 October 2016, are now published under the “FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings” series and are available online at the links below.
PDF URL: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i7109e.pdf
Card URL: http://www.fao.org/publications/card/en/c/d035a4f9-ff78-4c01-80d2-7711f64309e9/
Last week (May 3rd 2017), 120 people (personalities from the Principality, Yacht Club Members, ACCOBAMS Partners and even kids) took part to the Conference held at the Yacht Club of Monaco to discover the Pelagos Sanctuary and the cetacean species often encountered in this area.