In the frame of the international research project “Biological and toxicological contamination of cetaceans in the Pelagos Sanctuary: evaluation, origin, monitoring and limitation” coordinated by the GIS3M and financed by the Pelagos Sanctuary, the GIS3M organizes a conference for the general public entitled “From land to cetaceans: the itinerary of a waste”. It will be presentedby Léa JURET, project leader within the “Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique pour les Mammifères Marins en Méditerranée”(GIS3M) and animated by Pascal MAYOL, honorary president of the association Souffleurscd’écume, vice-president of GIS3M, associate expert at the Nicolas Hulot Foundation.
Friday 20 March 2020
StarDeck, 6 Quai Antoine Ier, Monaco
As the 7th Meeting of the Parties is ongoing, the first ACCOBAMS Partner Awards have been delivered to 3 lucky winners!