2017 ACCOBAMS – ECS Student Award
The ACCOBAMS Permanent Secretariat is pleased to inform you about the 5 students who received the 2017 ACCOBAMS – ECS Student Award at the occasion of a Ceremony held on the 3rd May 2017, in Middelfart, Denmark.
Best Oral: Jeppe KACZMAREK – Drivers of the dive Responses in Harbour Seals (Phoca vitulina)
Best short talk: Tilen GENOV – polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in free ranging common bottlenose dolphins from the northern Adriatic Sea, in relation to demographic parameters
Best poster (postgraduate): Christian RIISAGER-PEDERSEN – Mapping Danish marine mammal ecotourism, & Anna SCHLEIMER – The importance of correcting effort for “handling time” in species distribution models from non-dedicated surveys
Best poster (undergraduate): Michael RAGKOUSIS – The seasonal buoyancy budget of harbour porpoises during dives
Each student was provided with one hundred euros award and with the ACCOBAMS book “Whales, dolphins and porpoises of the Mediterranean and Black Seas – 2010 a status report”.