GFCM Fish Forum

10-14 December 2018FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy

Bringing together the wider community of scientists and experts working on fisheries and the marine environment in the Mediterranean and Black Sea in order to build a lasting network, discuss advancements in research, integrate scientific knowledge in support of decision-making and identify research priorities for the coming decade.

Draft Programme

2017 Mediterranean Quality Status Report

The 2017 Mediterranean Quality Status Report is now publicly available at

The 2017 Mediterranean Quality Status Report is an important achievement, the result of joint and integrated efforts of the Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention, Partners, and the UN Environment / Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) Coordinating Unit and Components. It provides a unique basis for assessing the status of the Mediterranean ecosystem and the progress towards the achievement of its Good Environmental Status. It is also an important milestone for the UN Environment/MAP system 40-year long experience in monitoring and assessing the marine and coastal environment of the Mediterranean.