ASI: the Hellenic Trench completed by the R/V Song of the Whale

The Hellenic Trench is an important area for cetaceans. It is considered by ACCOBAMS as a Cetacean Critical Habitat. The “deep-divers”: sperm whales and the Cuvier’s beaked whales, who dive a few thousand meters to find their preys (squids), have to face significant threat caused by the intense maritime traffic in this narrow area, in particular in summer when the sperm whale density is high.

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ASI: Stop-over R/V Song of the Whale in Bizerte

On August 4th 2018, ACCOBAMS co-organised with the Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas (RAC /SPA) and the organisation “Méditerranée Action Nature” a presentation of the ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative while taking this opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of preserving marine environment.

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Sightings in the Pelagos Sanctuary

Song of the Whale spent approximately two weeks in the Pelagos Sanctuary as part of the ACCOBAMS ASI survey. During this time, we documented five cetacean species along our survey route. The fin whale sighting rate was markedly higher in the Pelagos Sanctuary and the Gulf of Lyons compared to that elsewhere during our survey thus far (the entire western Mediterranean Sea).

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