ASI : first megafauna survey offshore Libya , a blog by from Almokhtar SAIED, ACCOBAMS National Focal Point for Libya, on board of the Research Vessel the Song of the Whale

“In 2007, Song of the Whale visited Tripoli as part of a previous survey investigating the presence of sperm whales in the eastern basin. As part of the outreach and awareness programme, I visited the boat and met the crew. Together with my colleagues, I helped arrange the stay of the boat in Libya and assisted with a number of visits by dignitaries, members of the public and school groups. I even had the chance to show the team some of Libya’s historical monuments including Leptus Magna. This experience inspired me and gave me hope that one day I could visit Song of the Whale as a member of the research team.

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Opening position: Pelagos Agreement Executive Secretary

Methods of sending the application files

The files should be sent to the Chairman of the Meeting of the Parties to the Pelagos Agreement and sent to the Secretariat Agreement by e-mail to  before October 14th 2018 at 23:59 (UTC / GMT + 2 hours). The Permanent Secretariat will confirm to the candidates the good reception of their file.  

Additional Information

For more information on the Pelagos Agreement, visit the website: 

Opening position description available in French and in Italian only.